Our Team

Professionals committed to quality, compassionate feline care.

picture of Diane Steinberg

Diane Steinberg, DVM, DABVP (Feline)

Dr. Steinberg has always shared a special connection with cats and their owners. This sparked her to open The Cat Clinic of Orange County in 1988, where she practiced for 26 years. She has been a board certified feline specialist since 1995, and has always had a special interest in the management of disorders involving senior and geriatric cats. With a desire to restore quality feline medicine and client service to our community, Dr. Steinberg has returned as co-owner, Veterinarian, and Medical Director of the Cat Clinic.

picture of Tracy Neurauter

Tracy Neurauter, RVT

Tracy began working with Dr. Steinberg in 1999 and became a Registered Veterinary Technician in 2004. She quickly fell in love with feline practice and has come to truly enjoy the relationships that people develop with cats. Tracy enjoys the community feeling of private veterinary practice. This is why she has returned to feline practice as co-owner and Hospital Administrator of the Cat Clinic.

picture of Dr. J Burner

Dr. J. Burner

Associate Veterinarian

Dr. Burner graduated with honors from the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine and has been practicing veterinary medicine for more than 20 years. He completed an internship in cardiology and internal medicine at a specialty hospital in Los Angeles before entering into general practice. He was previously a proud member of the staff at The Cat Clinic of Orange County and is excited to be a part of the Cat Clinic family once again. Dr. Burner has a great deal of experience and interest in feline medicine, ultrasonography, internal medicine, dentistry, and cardiology and is a certified veterinary medical acupuncturist. Dr. Burner’s family includes his wife Kirsten and daughter Sophia, along with their other “furry and shelled kids;” Josie the cat, Harper the dog, and Stompy the tortoise. In his off-duty hours, Dr. Burner enjoys mountain biking, surfing, reading, camping and spending time with his family and friends.

picture of Amber holding a cat

Amber, RVT

Amber has been working in feline medicine since  2001, when she joined Dr. Steinberg's practice. She became a Registered Veterinary Technician in 2007 and obtained a certificate in advanced veterinary imaging with a focus on abdominal and cardiac ultrasound in 2009. Although Amber loves all animals, she likes working with cats because they are often misunderstood in the veterinary community.

Gina, RVT (photo coming soon)

picture of Dawn holding a cat


Dawn has always loved animals of all kinds, and has been caring for the boarding cats of our community since 2006, when she began with the Cat Clinic of Orange County. She especially loves cats because they have "an aura of mystery with their own language". Dawn is a calming presence that cats really appreciate and joins the Cat Clinic as the primary caregiver of our feline-only luxury boarding service.


Andrea (photo coming soon)




Danny (photo coming soon)

White cat on pharmacy counter



